(first 2 wings)(black sharp wings) This are the first par of wings u won this 2 are given to the no winged angel that get 4 first places on a game or a practice.
(second par of wings)(solo hero wings)This par of wings are given to the angel who show courage on hard situations like getting the droped flag and kill every one in his way.
(3 par of wings)(Big cut wings)This par of wings are given to a tactical support angel that watch out for they teammates with courage,like a sniper defending the ffc with his life and making sure he score at all cost.
(4 par of wings)(grimreaper wings)This wings are given to a the angel who make a massacre a big one getting triple kills or multi kills or double kills constantly.This are a very hard wings to won.
(5 par of wings)(dark small light wings)This wings are given to a exelent angel in game in short words a HERO in the game.
ok people this are the first 10 wings you`ll get,im going to upgrade the number of wings once in a while up to 20.